I’m pleased to announce the Omega-One ECO server launch plans. As of right now, the plan is to launch on Friday, May 12th at 8:00 PM EST. Because of this being a new game for all of us, however, we will be having a “Test Fire” on a temporary world one week prior on Friday, May 5 at 8:00 PM EST. The test fire will likely last through Sunday, May 7th. The test fire will be a great opportunity to make sure you have the server added correctly, learn the controls, gauge interest in the different specializations you can spec in, and a good time to talk with others and figure out your day 1 plans. Also during the test fire, I will release the Omega-One application where you will get to tell me your planned specialization. This will allow me to make sure that critical roles will be fulfilled and possibly help guide players into profitable markets. After the test fire, the server will be shut down and world wiped to prepare for the official launch on May 12th. During the week leading up to launch, I will try to schedule a “Town Hall” meeting so we can all have a chance to discuss with one another what we want to do as a community in ECO and hopefully further discuss specializations and major game mechanics. I will try to set the town hall date and time during the test fire.
If you have not purchased ECO yet, please head on over to https://ecoauth.strangeloopgames.com/home to buy the game. It won’t be releasing to Steam until later this year and buying now does get you the game on Steam when it releases there. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask in Discord Omega-One channel or send Randy a PM on Discord. I hope to see you at the Test Fire!
Also, be sure to check our summer game server announcement trailer if you haven’t already: https://youtu.be/ACRCQutMZv0