
It is with great pleasure that I can announce we have re-branded! We now have actual logos and not something I put together in Paint. This was all done by Cassie Rapier so a huge thanks to her for making our community even more awesome! For more information, head on over to the new Branding page.

Game Night!

Hey everybody! In our most recent Board Meeting, we have decided to designate a game or genre for every day of the week. We decided to do this is keep the playing field always changing, try new things, and so we don’t burn ourselves out always playing the same game every night. And who doesn’t want every night to be a game night! Check out the latest schedule or news in the #game-night channel in Discord! The schedule is also posted here!

To the Cloud!

Over this past weekend, we have now moved all web services over to the Google Cloud Platform. We also continue to be backed by the Cloudflare CDN for our protection and to help improve our website performance. This move now allows us to finally have a good backup plan. With all the craziness in the world, I want to ensure that our community can continue to game.

It is also nice to be able to look back at our past. I am proud to announce we have an archive of many of our different The Dark Trinity packs. You can check it out here. This data storage is also on the Google Cloud Platform and its multi-region backed so we can rest assured that the data is safe.

The main communication platform continues to be Discord and I do not foresee issues with that at this time. However, it is hosted by Discord themselves. All Board Members do have the ability to transfer our Discord server to another Discord region is one would go offline. However, if there was a major outage, please check back on this website as this is where we’d post if we needed to move to another platform.

I hope all of you stay healthy and safe. If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to reach out to blakerandy97#0707 on Discord.

Game on!

Winter is Coming…

The air is chilling. The air is painful. Wait… does the sun hurt too? What’s going on? It’s time to take Refuge.

The next Minecraft server is coming this December. As apart of season 2 of The Dark Trinity, it will have a scenario. More info to come.

Also, we currently have a giveaway running until Black Friday for a $20 Steam gift card: